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Climate Chapters

Register your own chapter and join our Ethereal
Climate family today!

Chapters are local branches of an organization that are active in multiple areas. Chapters share the same mission as the mother organization, and work in coordination of mutual goals. Making a chapter requires proper motivation and processes; this section will introduce you to the benefits of creating a chapter, as well as the steps to creating and managing one. Check out the DOWNLOADS section below to download the pdf files detailing the entire process.

Creating A Chapter

Why Start A Chapter

Get involved in the climate movement
Build organizational and leadership skills
Gain work experience
Get involved in your school
Service hours for volunteers


Steps To Start Your Chapter

Learn how to start a new student organization at your school
Choose an advisor
Register with our headquarters to be an affiliated chapter
Register with your school
Draft a constitution
Set goals!
Plan a tentative calendar of activities
Prepare a budget
Get more people involved

Managing Your Chapter

Maintaining Your Chapter

Meet regularly
Communicate with the HQ
Make plans

Promoting Your Chapter

Advertise in your school newsletter
Be present at the organization fair at the beginning of the year
Create flyers for students and teachers to hand out
Develop a booklet outlining the group’s program
Provide incentives according to your budget at some meetings
Give recognition to members for jobs well done
Hold social events during the year
Publicize what you do
Provide interesting programs
Ensure diversity, inclusion, and activity of new members

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We have provided pdf documents for an Ethereal Climate Chapter Starting Kit and a sample constitution template for your chapter below.

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